Rabu, 29 Desember 2010


“Siap-siap ya..satu…dua..tiga !”  dan gw membuka penutup mata Deryn, pacar kesayangan gw.
Lama Deryn tertegun melihat pemandangan di depan matanya, seakan gak percaya kalau Deryn bisa melihat. Hari ini gw tepat 4 tahun berpacaran sama Deryn makanya gw sengaja bela-belain nyewa  ferry dari jauh hari supaya bisa ngerayain hari ini di Singapura sama Deryn. Gw yang udah naik duluan ke atas ferry, mengulurkan tangan dan ngajak Deryn buat bergabung. Deryn seperti masih ga percaya dengan apa yang dia lihat sekarang.
“Happy fourth anniversary beb” gw berbisik di kuping Deryn, memeluk tubuh kecilnya dari belakang.
“you too.”
Gw bisa lihat senyuman manisnya, lengkap dengan sebuah lesung pipit kecil.



TODAY on Wednesday, 29 December 2010, my country, Indonesia will playing soccer against Malaysia on final AFF cup !!!! YIPEEE

i just can't wait to watch even i watch it alone, there's still some euforia for myself heheh. But this lately there were some slack between both of supporter, i hope today there is no more bad words about both.



 have many things in my life, but of course there are some of them which is my favorites !okey lets put them up !

1. GO TO THE CINEMA and watch the "IT" movie



4. MILK, it will be a hard day without milk baby :3

5. AND SLEEP, obviously !

i think i look like this while sleeping LOL

6. last but not least, SUSHI ! and i have just ate them yesterday a jumbo one though LOL

Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

my christmas eve

i don't know why but i can not catch up with the christmas eve this year. i can not feel the joy and the atmosfer of this big day. Sometimes when we always in the same condition over and over again it will like a routine and there was something pointless. That what i felt this year on my church. I came to join the christmas eve event in my church but i realize that it isn't mean anything. I'm so upset about this. I don not feel the feeling of christmas this year. I hope i will be a better person next year so that i can sense the christmas more serious than this year

i hope you all enjoyy our christmas, happy christmas day.

Senin, 20 Desember 2010


Guyyysssss, sebentar lagi natal nih. Apa nih harapan yang kalian inginkan saat natal nanti?
siapa tau aja, santa claus bakalan dateng dan memberikan hadiah yang kita inginkan
jangan lupa ke gereja ,dan menyambut kelahiran JC

merry christmas

Senin, 13 Desember 2010


i have some place that i really want to go
1. i want to go to the beach, wanna see sunset and sunrise, from a car with my bofriend

2.i want to go to paris, to look the effiel tower and also eat pizza, pasta any take many photo in their beautiifuk places

3. i want to go to singapore , i wanna see the cleanliness of them, and shopping in their famous mall

4. i wanna go to england, see the royal kingdom family, talking with all of noblesses

5. i want to go to the uppereast side, walk down in the step of two main role of gossip girl blair and serena

6. i want to go to korea, see all oof the korean artist specially super junior

7. i want to go to jerusalem. the city where my God was born

8. i want to ride a car and travel around the europe

9. and the last is i want to go to ........


for all girls in the world who do not have a boyfriend in this time will be very lonely for spending christmas.. Like me, still single for a long time, always says moving on but still can not refuse from the shadow of Mr Charming. i know the feeling of jealuosy for the lover couple but what should i do, i can't just pick one from a million man in this world to be my boyfriend . It's not easy for us (girl) to spend time with a person that we do not want to. but sometimes we envy for anyone happiness . envy of their romance, envy of everything.
just forget it, holiday may be suck without boys, but at least we still can have fun with friends or may be family, why you have to be depress about why you're still single now, why you can't spend time with a person you called boyfriend. It all just an "status" ,holiday is for having fun don't make your holiday become a hell, light up your mood and come out and join me to enjoy the world even if we're single, go JOMBLO


i'm back again after long time, i miss this blog, i have a lot of post that i have to catch ,,
and i hope with my coming back ,we can add many follower, actually i do not know about what i'm  going to write in this blog cause i write everything and so Dk, we write everything we want so this blog became very messy but it's fine because you can find everything in here because we write everything hahaha  whatever
please enjoy our blog , miss you

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Mommy I Love You

3 years old: My mommy is the best!
7 years old: Mom, I love you.
10 years old: Mom whatever.
17 years old: OMG my mom is so annoying.
18 years old: I wanna leave this house.
25 yrs old: Mom, you were right.
35 years old: I wanna go back to my mom’s house.
50 years old: I don’t wanna lose my mom.
70 years old: I would give up everything,for my mom to be here with me

Mommy, even tough sometimes I don’t like you, I just want you to know.

via tumblr

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010


1. Good score on my report card

2. Get my Blackberry again :)

3. Have a boyfriend, so i can spend christmas night with him (i don't think i can't get one like this :D)

4. TRIP TO KOREA !!! ëŒ€í•œë¯¼êµ­



Here In Your Arms

just found a nice song !the original song is by HELLO GOODBYE but i'm more like the samuel&kristin cover version ! 

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010


Sedikit sejarah mengenai california rolls :)

California Rolls di ciptakan pada akhir tahun 60-an oleh seorang koki sushi yang way too creative di LA yang meratapi level sushi ikan pada ssat itu, maka itu ia menggunakan avocado yang teksturnya mirip dengan isi perut ikan dan kepiting menunjuk kepada berlimpahnya kepiting di sepanjang pantai.

If you guys kinda interest, here are some easy way to make this yummy sushi :

Bahan :
2 gelas nasi sushi (campuran nasi putih biasa dan ketan)
2-3 lembar nori à rumput laut J
100 gram kepiting imitasi (surimi)
Timun Jepang atau Indonesia juga bisa (it’ll be more tasty if you use the Japanese one)

Making The Roll
  1.    Ambil setengah lembar nori, dan tutup dengan beras - tinggi 1cm.
  2.    Balikan nori sehingga nasi menghadap ke bawah dan mulai taruh bahan-bahan isi untuk California rolls.
  3.   Sejajarkan kepiting stik: berpasangan atau tunggal - tergantung bagaimana yang kamu inginkan.
  4.   Di sampingnya, taruh segaris timun 2-3 stick.
  5.   Di atas kedua stick kepiting dan mentimun, masukkan irisan besar alpukat.
  6.   Lalu gulung using rolling mat yang dari bamboo.

Pastikan semua bahan dipotong sama dalam ukuran dan posisi, dan roll. Setelah itu, kamu mungkin mau taburkan biji wijen di atas untuk dekorasi, baik wijen gelap atau terang dua-duanya seems fine.


Jumat, 03 Desember 2010



di bulan desember ini, bakal banyak temen-temen gw yg berulah tahun vania, tata, MY EX :D ,my brother sepupu gw dan MY BEST FRIEND AMONG THE BEST FRIEND WHO IS MY GREAT SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST

and of course, END YEAR SALE WHICH IS 90% SALE dan semua butik-butik di mall bakal sale dari ujung-ujung dan WE ARE SHOPPING !!!! :))

I CAN'T WAIT !yeah I HEART CHRISTMAS AND EVERYBODY DO !maybe don't for a few person hahas, or a few creature maybe ?? LOL

i hope this december will be great !

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Adam Sandler - Grows Old With You

One of my favorite song, so I forget in what movies he was singing but what I remembered was Adam Sandler sing this song when he want to chase his girlfriend so he go to his girlfriend's plane's first class and sing with song with a guitar

Hope I could get somebody who will be my husband

"Grows Old With You"

I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you

I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold

Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you

Jumat, 26 November 2010


update blog malam-malam serasa update twitter gue pagi siang malem ada aja updatenya ! :D

this time, inilah barang-barang yang ga bisa ketinggalan !

1. HANDPHONE entah itu nokia 2630 gue ato My Blackberry gemini yg lagi di sita sama sekolah

2. DUID, entah itu seribu ataupun dua ribu tetep harus ada duid di selipan !

3. Gelang dan Jam tangan, OF COURSE :D

4. and the last but not least MUSIC, kaya pepatah hidup gw : A LIFE WITHOUT A BOY IS BETTER THAN A LIFE WITHOUT A MUSIC

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010


HAPPY SUNDAY ! DK keep reporting on sunday yeaahhh :D

Yah, this sunday ga begitu baik. Well pagi-pagi gw udah harus bangun buat to di tempat bimbel, terus pas on mw way ke tempat bimbel bokap nyokap gw kembali ngoceh tentang kuliah, bimbel dan bla bla bla. OKEY STOP GW ENEK DENGERNYA.

Second, pas gw uda selesai to akhirnya gw pulang dan menyetir yah karna gw uda mumet trus tadi pas otw juga sempet nangis, akhirnya gw nyetir aja seenak jidat. DAMN yah, bokap gw ngoceh-ngoceh ga jelas bla bla bla bla. Sampe di rumah gw lsg naik ke kamar terus nangis sesungukan, gila torn my heart and throw it away deh !

Third, akhirnya gw turun terus makan nasi banyak banget dan terasa enak di mulut gw yeah SOTO PAK MUS ! :D

Fourth, pas gw mw pergi lagi gw sempet ntn kick andy sebentar sm bokap nyokap and so gw sadar semakin banyak gw marah-marah sm bokap nyokap gw maka gw juga bakal semakin belajar buat bersyukur dgn apa yg gw punya

Fifth, gw emang ga bisa berpaling dr org tua gw padahal tadi gw marah-marah dan gw blg gw cape krn mereka ga ngerti sedikit aja deh kalo gw cape dan stress tapi ujung-ujungya : MINTA DUID JAJAN LEBIHAN ! Hehe

Sixth, finally I made a decision cukup important menurut gw which is gw mau buka hati gw buat dy yg ada di depan mata gw :)



Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010


another stories of SITI & INEM :)

Hari ini siti dan inem baru aja pulang menjalani kegiatan sekolah, so fun but so tired also. Selama 3 hari 2 malem siti dan inem ngikutin kegiatan ini. Hari pertama semuanya berjalan lancar-lancar aja sampe pas malem terakhir siti dan inem nginep di sebuah villa tersebut, di mulailah acara sharing bersama.

Frist thing siti, inem dan teman-teman mereka yang lain di inngetin soal kedua orang tua masing-masing yang selalu sayang dan selalu khawatir sama kita. Siti dan Inem sama-sama nangis pas itu. Sampe akhirnya sang pembimbing "sharing bersama" ini ngajak siti, inem dan teman-teman yang lain untuk saling minta maaf.

As it have said, ga banyak yang tau kalo siti dan inem itu close friend. Jadi siti minta maaf sama siapa inem minta maaf sama siapa. Tapi karena mereka close friend, akhirnya mereka ga ngomong apa-apa mereka langsung pelokan erat banget.

Dan gw rasa (gw sebagai pencerita) siti dan inem bener-bener ngerasa damai saat mereka berpelokan erat satu sama lain. FEELS LIKE THERE IS NO BOUNDARIES BETWEEN THEM.Mereka bener-bener pelokan erat, dan inem juga siti berdua sama-sama netesin air mata. Dan emang mereka, dua sahabat yang mungkin orang-orang ga akan sangka, tapi


Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010


just make some style on my looklet, but there was a trouble when i wanna save it so sorry if the picture kinda blur :D


Patrick to Spongebob

how sweet they are, even though the one is a fool and th one is a jellyfish crazy but they know how to love and caring each other :)

"we have an ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend we have all the ex, but there is no ex friend for me and you because we both were fated to be a friend"

happy sunday :)

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010


teman-teman tau film itazura na kiss gk??? film jepang ato seri mandarinnya , it started with a kiss
nah film-film itu semua diadopsi dari komik terkenal , nah sekarang ada nih yang versi koreanya, yaitu PLAYFULL KISS , yang main kim hyun joong yang pernah maen boys over flower , nonton yang temen- temen, walau belom ada di Indonesia sih hhhaa, tp buat temen-temen yang ada tv kabel di rumah bisa nonton tuh ,. Ato yang sering searching di inet, nonton di you tube aja, hhehe, gw pengen banget nonton film ini !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


nah informasi nih buat temen- temen yang suka nonton reality show We Got Married, biasanya sih yang tau reality show ini, yang suka ama semua hal yang berbau korea. Ya buat teman-teman supaya gak ribet cari video di you tube tentang eng sub serial WGM, temen - temen bisa nonton di www.rainmakerstory.com nah di situ ada banyak banget video temen-temen dan udah di eng sub semua, check that out ya friendsss


Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010


HAPPY SUNDAY ALL ! I'm DK reporting from my own house with rain, and Bruno Mars keep playing on my laptop :)

12.00 A.M on sunday noon, langit kota bekasi enggaklah secerah yang di bayangkan. HEAVY RAIN in here. Dan situasi sangat-sangat mellow. Ngeliat ke kiri dari tempat gw berkutat dengan laptop, ada sebuah kolam renang gede, dan situasi menjadi sangat-sangat mellow. Ditemani dengan bbm dari odino, i'm enjoying this kind of situation actually. Hopes everything will be fine, and so i can move on without you

and here is Bruno lyric's that i'm listening now

Jumat, 17 September 2010

Bruno Mars - Talking to The Moon

well,this is a good song to hear and its also sad. It tell us about a boy that really miss his girl but in other fact he don't know if the girl miss him too like the way he does. Same thing, happened to me hahas. Just check the lyric out :)

Selasa, 14 September 2010

Lenka - Knock Knock

A second, a minute, an hour, a day goes by
I'm hopin' just to be by your side
I'm turnin' the handle, it won't open
Don't make me wait 'cause right now I need your smile
Knock, knock

When life had locked me out I turned to you
So open the door
'Cause you're all I need right now, it's true
Nothin' works like you

Little louder, little louder
Little louder knockin'
Little louder, little louder

A warm bath, a good laugh, an old song that you know by heart
I've tried it but they all leave me cold
So now I'm here waitin' to see you
My remedy for all that's been hurtin' me
Knock, knock

When life had locked me out I turned to you
So open the door
'Cause you're all I need right now, it's true
Nothin' works like you


cerita ini masih hanyalah fiktif belaka,namun saya tentu saja masih membuat cerita ini berdasarkan sebuah peristiwa hahahaha.
Suatu hari di sebuah sekolah nan elite yang terkenal di pusat kota Jember, terlihat seorang pasang sahabat bodoh yang sedang bercanda tawa di ujung koridor. Sepasang sahabat itu bernama Siti dan Inem. Pertemanan mereka ini sangat aneh dan misterius. Kadang banyak orang tak menyangka bahwa mereka berteman. Karena banyak orang menganggap kepribadian mereka sama sekali bertolak belakang. Tapi apa daya kenyataan menyatukan mereka untuk berteman, yasudah lah.


Setelah sekian lama berteman, dan bertemu kembali di kelas 3, sungguh hal yang sangat menggembirakan untuk mereka berdua.
Suatu hari setelah pulang sekolah si inem mengajak si siti untuk pulang bareng, dengan berjalan kaki (rumah ne si inem deket) tapi rumah ne siti jaaauuuuhhhhh banget 

"yauda deh jalan kaki, sekalian irit ongkos."kata si siti ,yang  emang lagi pengen nabung buat beli baju baju modis belakangan ini
"tapi makan dulu ya, di rumah gw gk ada makanan, soal ne emak gy males masak." lanjut si siti

"oke dah" kata si inem

setelah makan, mereka keluarm, 

byuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr berrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ternyata hujan langsung menyambut mereka,
arghhhh apadaya harus menunggu sebentar.

tapi tiba -tiba si siti ingat bahwa ,emaknya selalu memasukkan payung ke dalam tasnya.
"ayok kita pake payung ajee."kata si siti
"daritadi kek sit."kata inem."eh gw naek oplet aje deh, bis ujan begini ribet klo jalan kaki, buecekkk."

"okelah" kata siti

lalu si inem pun pulang naek oplet dan dipayungi oleh si siti


yesterday also when i went to KOTA, i bought 2 cd of mp3, all about jazz :)
because my mom also love jazz music, so i can know about jzz easily,
and i love this song, and this song is soo old, hahaaaha
but this song is kinda romantic for the people who is falling in love now :)


I can't believe it, you're a dream comin' true.
I can't believe how I have fallen for you.
And I was not looking, was content to remain.
And it's ironic to be back in the game.

You are the one who's led me to the sun.
How could I know that I was lost without you...

And I want to tell you, you control my rain..
And you should know that you are life in my veins.

You are the one who's led me to the sun.
How could I know that I was lost without you...

I can't believe it, you're a dream comin' true.
I can't believe how I have fallen for you.

And I was not looking, was content to remain.
And it's erotic to be back in the game.



yesterday i had a new progrees in driving
aaaaaaa i'm so happy then, because i can drive the car until home,
and i can drive very well
even when in a T-intersection, i can not control the gas and the result the engine was death hahahaha
in the middle of T-intersection
but it's okay, i can handle it :)

good job !!!!


kemaren pas gw ke kota, gw mendengar alunan lagu yang enakkk banget
tebak ape????

dan ternyata itu adalah "PURE ACOUSTIC BOSSA"
Nah buat teman -teman yang suka jazz, ato bahkan bossa mungkin udah tau ini album
karna sebenarnya album ini udah lama banget keluar hahaha
waktu gw ngecek di sini

produk ini masuk ke katalog mereka pas 7 may, 2009
brarti dah setaun yang lalu, tapi its okay buat temen temen yang belon tau
bahhh buat refrensi aja nih, lagu ini terdiri dari bermacam-macam artis,
n lagu ne juga variatif, tapi semua dijadiin satu aliran yaitu bossanova
jadi lagu - lagu yang bukan bossanova pun ada dan diarransemen manjadi bossanova

gw paling suka lagu ne , i'm yours, crush, lucky trusss pkk na smua deh
buat daftar lagu na nih gw kasih biar tertarik hehhe

buat temen-temen yang blon punya album na, gw saranin buruan beli karna ni album oke banget :))))


Tau gk sih kenapa orang tua-tua sekarang umur na itu cuma bisa nyampe 70 ato paling mentok 80???
menurut tante gw, dengan spekulasinya yang agak masuk akal
mengatakan bahwa, orang tua jaman sekarang itu terlalu mendramatisir
dan terlalu gampang menyerah dalam kehidupan
misal na saja, seorang wanita yang sudah mempunyai anak dan cucu yang mapan, pasti dia akan berfikir
untuk apa saya hidup lagi??
anak dan cucu saya tidak membutuhkan saya. lebih baik saya mati
oooggghhhhhh, noooo, ini adalah pemikiran yang sangat salah, 
ini adalah faktor pemikiran subyektif yang sungguh merugikan dirinya dan begitu pula orang lain
yang dipusingkanjustru adalah si anak
yang sudah ribet sama urusan kelurga, kantor lalu anak - anaknya, lingkungan rumahnya,
dan sekarnag malah ditambah dengan urusan orang tua yang berfikiran subyektif
memang menurut para pakarm bahwa biasanya seorang yang sudah tua, sifat sifatnya akan kembali ke awal kembali
seperti anak kecil, nah maka itu mereka lebih mudah cemburu, dan ingin sekali diberikan kasih sayang
tapi itu semua sangat berbeda dengan orang tua jawam dahulu
mereka tidak mempunyai pemikiran seperti itu sama sekali
mereka bahagia menjalani kehidupannya, bahkan bila anaknya lupa kepadanya pun
mereka masih bisa menjalani hidup dengan baik
mereka memandang masa depan sebagai sebuah cahaya teranga yang pasti mempunyai ujung yang indah
dan menjalani hidup mereka dengan santai
berbeda dengan orang tua jaman sekarang yang, selalu melihat masa depan dengan pandanga subyektif dan lebai serta menganggap bahwa yang akan mereka hadapi setelah ini hanyalah kematian
maka itu kita nih yang masih muda - muda harus merangkul orang tua kita, dan nenek ato kakek kita
dan kita jga harus mulai menanamkan pemikiran yang santai dan tidak gampang menyerah !

(sumber : keluarga besar :) )

Minggu, 12 September 2010

it's hard to be a girl

being a girl that everyone wants is very hard
being a girl that can make everyone satisfied is hard
sometimes when a girl become a charming girl, that has everything like knowledge, good attitude, and etc
we will call as "unreach girl"
but when a girl become a very bad girl, that always rebel
everyone will call as "a bitch"
and when we become a usual girl, that never get anything serious problem or like an ordinary girl
we will call as "usual girl"

soo, how to be a good girl that everyone likes??
everything that we do will ended as nothing
soo, just be yourself never, don;t look back .don't hear people talking about you
just be yourself and show yourself to another, you will be a great girll
i believe it

broken heart

i know all of you have your own stry about love, but i believe everyone in this world have ever felt this feeling

a feeling that can make our heart really hurt because of someone

maybe i have a very little knowledges about relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend

but still i have ever felt broken heart

broken heart can really make us hurt, like there is a knife that cut our heart and make it became a very small pieces

broken heart can make us do not feel anything again, make us can not control our mind

everything seems blur because of its

still can not imagine, how can we fix that feeling,

many people can end their life only because their broken heart

but friends that only for people that do not know our Father, JC

we do not have to worried or depress just because our broken heart, just believe this is the step to go to the next step

i believe when the bad time coming ,the best time is waiting right behind it

so broken heart is just a part for getting a truly happiness

believe it and we can through our own broken heart without any difficulties


Sabtu, 11 September 2010


WHELLO ! ((: i think DK has gained her power back !yeah i'm intrack again :D

First of all, selamat hari raya lebaran yah 1431 H minal aidin wal fa idzin mohon maaf lahir dan batin (:
dan berhubungan dengan lebaran inilah salah satu libur yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh kami para anak SMA. why ??karna libur lebaran itu pasti lama jangka waktunya bisa 2 mingguan lah,dan momen inlah yang emang di tunggu sm gw sebagai anak ipa yang pelajarannya itu sperti ehm let's say it likes hell :D to have a refreshing lah. Akhirnya sekolah netepin tanggal libur lebaran dari tanggal 8-19 september jadi daripada libur lebaran nganggur lebih baik gue mengundang DH dan gigi buat main-main ke rumah, YEAY !

tadinya rencananya mau berenang tapi sayang banget gw lagi berhalangan,jadi kita cuma have fun ga jelas deh and we took so much webcam picture ! :D here's one of them 

and for your info there are loots of effects you can find on crazycam application,here's the link :