Jumat, 25 Februari 2011


"i'm not sweet as sugar and romantic as rose but i know how to melt your heart as chocolate" -DK

long time i'm not updating this blog, and guess what ??i'm back with good news.

yeah, HELLO MY BOY !

let me start this new life ??i dnt think so. The point is, i've got a boy now. Congratulation for me, and my bestie don't get upset. God is writing your best love story up there 

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011


" For my bestie,
karna gw juga bingung mw kasih
kado apa Jadi gw beliin kemeja
aja buat lo, supaya elo punya
kemeja, gk pake kaos mulu
smoga aja gk kegedean yak
walau size ne L, tp kyk
ne muat ama lo kog hehehe

thank's to be born in this world so we can be friends"

gak kerasa, udah 3 taun high school years gw bertemen sama wanita gendut DH. Well, banyak banget kejadian-kejadian konyol gw bareng dia, i think it is uncountable. Ngakak-ngakaknya gw sama dia, curhat-curhat cowo, bokap, nyokap dan masa depan.Gigit-gigitan di bangku belakang, tonjok-tonjokan LOLs. Gila precious memories banget. Dan ga berasa, bener-bener ga berasa bulan April nanti, gue udah lulus-lulusan and good bye high school life, and i don't even wanna say good bye to DH :(

whatever you are, whatever i am, whatever who we are. FRIENDS ARE REMAINS FOREVER

we keep the "PINKIE PROMISE" okay ??

hey, i wrote this with tears -DK

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011


 Gw pengen buat misi, buat diri gw sendiri pastinya. Gw pengen bawa kamera gw kemana- mana dan memfoto kejadian yang seru semoga aja selama 3 hari ini ada yang berkesan. jadi gw bisa menyajikan cerita lucu ckckckckckckck

just wait n see for 3 days later :)
