Rabu, 30 November 2011

one or two is always great.

Buenos tardes, bloggers !
well another nice morning, i don't know how to say this but it is about 9:53 A.M and i am guessing is it noon already or maybe still morning count. but it doesn't matter. why ??so i'm posting again today -which is very rare- because my friend, i mean my partner in crime was asking me to make her drops another tears.

since it is the last of of November, i wanted to say thanks for people who were accompanying me pass through this month. it is really another crucial month for me.

Thanks God, because you never ever tired up never give up to always giving me the best of your grace. That i still can live well, eat well, breath well. while there a lots can't.

Thanks Dad and mom, even you aren't meet me everyday. i know finally, you gave me another chance to try. to fights for things i want.

Thanks S, never absent just for a day. even when you sick. you made my day honey :)

Thanks for my friends, who always leave a chat on BBM for me.

the last, and maybe the longest. THANK YOU TRY CYNTHIA EZRA.
for the belated birthday present. although it already passed a month. a heels. that i wanted. a lot of thanks try.
for the cash and bill. for the ride. the pick up. the blazer. the make up. the mukenah or whatever. the smile. the laugh. every single day. i felt really damn cool when there is a moment that i was waiting you in my car, and then you came with your car and parked next to mine. it just sounds cool !ha !.

it was really fun together. walapun sekarang gue belom bayar kasbon ke try, gue bingung dimana lagi temen yang bisa gue kasbonsampe 100 ribu lebih. gue bingung, siapa lagi yang rela jemput gue di rumah.
gue punya pesen buat try :

maybe its a farewell message. i'm not really good at showing my feelings. but i hope you understand.
siapa sih yang nyangka kita bakal begini deket ??dan siapa yang sangka kalau gue bener-bener bakal pindah. gak kerasa 1 semester udah mau abis. sadar ga sih ??dari awal kita emang selalu berdua ??dari bener-bener cuma tukeran pin, dan mulai sering ngechat pagi-pagi, "lo dimana ??gue udah sampe nih, di taman." eh keterusan sampe sekarang. malah sekarang ngechatnya, "try, masuk gak besok ?". gila yah, dari yang gue pikir kita ga bakal jadi apa-apa, eh ternyata sekarang jadi temen bolos. siapa yang tau ??. dari cuma duduk sebelahan, eh sekarang udah bisa jemput ke rumah gue. dari cuma sering makan di kantin, sekarang udah bisa kas bon sama try. dari cuma kemana-kemana berdua, eh sampe bisa bikin PIC TO DO LIST. ga bakal nih gue temuin lagi yang kayak gini. temen bolos, temen ngutang, temen ngerjain tugas, temen ansos. temen satu botol nestle berdua. temen yang mau nyium rambut gue sampe di liatin sama senior. temen yang berbagi pasminah sama gue. temen yang minjemin gue blazer. temen yang nemenin gue nyasar berdua sampe mampang. temen yang bersedia ngomong inggris kenceng-kenceng di gi. temen yang pake sendal jepit ke union. temen yang beliin gue heels segitu mahal pake duit dia sendiri. temen yang suka minta kertas. suka nonjok, nyubit dan nyentil gue. temen berbagi mobil. temen berbagi make up. temen males. temen tidur di mobil. temen yang nemenin ke wc, even pas gw boker. honestly gue bingung, dimana lagi bisa dapet temen kayak try. DIMANA LAGI ADA TEMEN YANG MAU GALAUIN GUE. ada yang bisa jawab ??.

and  since i'm moving next year. i really hope you can have another close friend. NOT ANOTHER PIC. so i can leave you well, we should go to Bandung, having a little farewell. we are pic forever right ?? :)
sampe gue nikah dan elo nikah, just remember our madness at today time. and our tears at saddest time today.

"thank you and good bye" -DK.

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

actually,your previous background is better than now.