Kamis, 09 September 2010

we are not playing in a love game,this feeling is true. It's exist and always do. I never say "always" for the things that i know not eternal, but i'm keeping you inside. I'm not gonna try so hard to erase you off from my mind and my heart,just let it flow cause i'm keeping you inside here. I'm pointing my heart obviously. I want to remember all of my smile that you have made even we were just for 2 months long. Not so much,but enough to make my smile bigger and enough for being kept in my mind. Remembering my good times with you, and forget all my bad times with you. All the good stuff. All the smile. All the "i miss you" time. All the sweet words. I KEEP REMEMBERING HOW I FELL TO DEEP IN THIS STRONG FEELING OF YOU AND I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET OUT FROM THIS HARSH FEELING.

i am still wanting you to come back, its hard for me to end up this way )):

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